Tonight, I had a good attitude, a good lesson, an attentive class, and I was a good teacher. So, I am happy.
In fact, I'm in such a good mood, I'll put forth the effort to upload some pictures! Enjoy!
Okay, so this was 11/4, I went to a Kiritampo Party in the woods! Kiritampo is an Akita specialty food. It's cooked rice that's mashed together and boiled in miso broth (so like rice balls), and in this case it was in a kind of winter stew.
I like to party with 70 year olds! :) This is my friend Steph's English Conversation class.
We actually ate outside in the woods. It was awesome!
This is what happens when ALTs want to play badminton but don't have enough rackets (notice Steph in green with a cutting board, and Caito in black with a brownie pan!
Why were we in the woods? One of the ladies in the class makes wood crafts so we were lunching outside her studio. These are the crafts she makes - They're so American! I wanted to buy them!
My JET friends Paula and Phil had a joint birthday party (11/10) at a Japanese restaurant in the city. Maggie was there!
Amelie (from Quebec) and I wore matching shirts!
And, of course Christy was there, too!
Jumping ahead to this past weekend, I hung out with Marie (the friend with whom I went bowling and to play random sports). We went shopping at the mall and to watch a sappy Japanese love story at the movie theater. Good fun! And we took purikura:
The next day (11/18), I hung out with Maggie and three Japanese guys we met at the JET Halloween party. We went bowling then out for Chinese food. Good times! So that's Tetsu, Koike, and Yuta.
After two games, we were bowled out, and I was happy because I wasn't the one with the lowest score (*cough Maggie cough cough*)
hahaha when the guys saw these costumes to try on, Koike jumped at the chance. He's quite the character - and not just when dressed as a bowling pin.
Of course, we had to make time before dinner for some purikura!
*The End!*
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